The world loves sequels. Heck, I love sequels. So what's natural (and awesome)? This blog getting a sequel. You'll find it at Black brow. Figured we should put our hosting to good use. I'd say goodbye... but that's the point of sequels, there IS no goodbye.
Two months of grinding fingers into nubs have paid off. This time a cross venture between iv motion and Black brow; the popular cc promo "Mayer and Bettle" finally has its sequel. I hope you enjoy it.
Brisbane is flooding: me under a blanket of water
1 Comments Published by Pete. on Wednesday, February 6 at 9:11 pm.

"It's only a 20 min walk home..."
2 mins into the walk the rain turns CRAZY and my umbrella was useless.
Everyone's driveways turned into waterfalls and every bus that passed moved the puddles from the street to my person.
Best way to end a day ever. Seriously. It was fantastic! ^_^
"Smoke and Mirrors" has been accepted into the St Kilda Film Festival!
If anyone is around Melbourne for June 5 - 10, drop by and say hello.
Very exciting. I love festivals.
If anyone is around Melbourne for June 5 - 10, drop by and say hello.
Very exciting. I love festivals.