Keeping warm
Originally uploaded by Pete In Digital.
Another work sketch. I'm trying to break out of this character dead end I hit about a year ago.
It's not going too badly.

Henry Bullet
Originally uploaded by Pete In Digital.
A sketch I did at work and thought I'd give some colour to.

Arts Retreat '05
Originally uploaded by Pete In Digital.
The fun and fruity poster is reposted (at a decent size this time). And I have to say... the swirling in the background... are a symbol that ships with Illustrator, but sshhh... I'd go all high and mighty if i caught someone else doing that!

waterlogged lunar
Originally uploaded by Pete In Digital.
So the window leaked... just as i was going to digitize my little comic too... It'll just add character I'm sure.
This is the comic that I was going to get online years ago - it's called Past Lunar... but then the site i set up kept changing and the comic stayed in its book.