Pete uses biro

iusebiro is things by Pete Foley - he's an animator

Dramatic shot of the storyboard wall...

Dramatic shot of the storyboard wall...
Originally uploaded by Pete..

And the storyboards for White-Eyed Ophelia are complete!

WEO storyboards

WEO storyboards
Originally uploaded by Pete..

Half way through. Doesn't look like much... but a lot of love has gone in I promise.

Hello Black brow

Black brow is finally up! - That's the team name of myself and my sound designer Chris Perren - we make films. Check out the 'places' on the right if you want to see more.

And it turns out that after literally tens of thousands of downloads, Black brow's icommons film (on the right also) has been translated not only into French, but into Hebrew, German and... i think it was Spanish.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.